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Join the Saskatchewan Rush players for a Lacrosse Skills Clinic this season on Co-op Field! Children ages 9-18 are welcome to sign up for a clinic led by Saskatchewan Rush players Robert Church, Austin Shanks and more on Co-op field at SaskTel Centre. 

Friday, April 18th 

Ages 9-11: 10:00am-12:00pm

Ages 12-14: 12:30pm-2:30pm 

Ages 15-18: 3:00pm- 5:00pm 

Cost: $79

Please fill out the form below to register. Registration will close April 16th. Participants must wear full protective equiptment. 

Register here for ages 9-11 

Register here for ages 12-14 

Register here for ages 15-18 

For help registering please call 306-385-2142 or email

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